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Future Trains

Manage stations, trains, their routes and their cargo while you save the region.

Set in a post apocalyptic wasteland it is your calling to bring stability and prosperity to the region.
Use the steam engines of old, listen to brilliant retro classical music, play to your hearts delight in the sandbox mode...

  • Future Trains - ipad2
  • Future Trains - ipad2
  • Future Trains - ipad2
  • Future Trains - ipad2
  • Future Trains - ipad2
  • Future Trains - ipad2

Manage stations, trains, their routes and their cargo while you save the region.

Set in a post apocalyptic wasteland it is your calling to bring stability and prosperity to the region.
Use the steam engines of old, listen to brilliant retro classical music, play to your hearts delight in the sandbox mode...


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